
B2B Buyer Persona Template

Set the right GTM strategy by defining your key buyer personas.

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B2B Buyer Persona Template

Why use this template?

Driving demand for a B2B SaaS product is really hard, even when you have clearly defined your B2B buyer personas. It's impossible if you haven't.

When I took over marketing for our SaaS company, our product team was building for "Solopreneurs", our marketing team was marketing to "no one", and our sales team was selling to "Sales Teams".

It was a total mess. It should have been no mystery to anyone why we were losing market share.

We eventually went through this exercise as an executive team to clearly define our ICP and our buyer personas. This transformed the trajectory of our company. We went from declining growth to growing again. Try it for yourself.

What's inside the template

When you add this template to your cart and checkout, you will immediately receive a link to download the excel file. The worksheet includes the following tabs:

  • Instructions: instructions on how to use this template most effectively.
  • Buyer Persona Template: a blank template to populate your key persona information.
  • Example Template: a completed Buyer Persona profile for a B2B SaaS company, intended to be used for inspiration.

How to use this template

A buyer persona template is all about getting to know your audience, so you can tailor your communication to them. Each persona plays a different role in the buying process, and they all care about different things.

This framework makes it easy to clearly communicate with them across your marketing and sales channels.  

Here's how to get started:

  1. First, review the example Buyer Personas. I always find it helpful to learn how other high-growth, B2B SaaS companies do it.
  2. Go line by line in the template to map out the personas involved in buying your product.
  3. Circulate with your team internally for input.
  4. Gain commitment across departments on the Personas you have defined.
  5. Train your teams on them. Marketing and sales are most important, but Customer Success, Product and Engineering can all benefit as well.

You'll make a catastrophic mistake if your product team builds for a different ICP and buyer personas than the ones your sales and marketing teams are selling to. It happens all the time. It happened to us and it nearly killed our SaaS business.

Immediately download this template and customize it for your business.

Click “Add to Cart” on the right and checkout. You will receive a link to a Google Sheet of the B2B Buyer Persona Template to copy and customize for your business.

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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

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Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

Growth Business Template Testimonial - Nick
Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

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Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

Growth Business Template Testimonial - Nick
Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Michael
Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Jessica
Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

Growth Business Template Avatar - Clark
Clark A.
VP of Sales