
Brand Guidelines Template

A simple framework for developing, documenting and bringing your brand to life.

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Brand Guidelines Template

Why use this template?

I developed this brand guideline template after having experienced a catastrophic “re-brand” that left our B2B SaaS company with falling numbers across the board. Our website traffic went down, along with trial starts, conversion rates, retention rates and ultimately MRR growth. 

It was a disaster. The craziest part is that we inflicted this wound upon ourselves. We spent $80K dollars on a branding agency and fumbled the entire project.

I’m hoping this template serves as a framework for you to define your brand without wasting excessive amounts of money on a branding agency. 

So, what should brand guidelines include? It should include big picture stuff like your purpose and brand story to design details like typography and brand colors. I think you'll find this to be the best brand guideline template out there.

Brand Positioning and Copywriting

Click “Add to Cart” and checkout now to instantly access the Google Sheet of the Brand Guidelines Template. If you prefer to use an excel file, you can first make a copy of the Google Sheet and then download it as an excel file.

What's inside the template

Here’s how you create your own brand guidelines using this template. I think of this as my one-page brand guidelines doc. Something that all internal teams can reference on a daily basis for guidance on how to represent our brand in the world. 

This worksheet includes the following tabs: 

  • Instructions: instructions on what to do next. 
  • Brand Guidelines Template: a blank template for you to input your brand guidelines.
  • Example Template: a completed Brand Guidelines Template for inspiration on how to fill in each cell.  

How to use this template

Part of this brand exercise is defining what you are today, what you want to be AND what you don't want your brand to be. Your brand will evolve over time, but it starts by at least clearly defining what it is now and what you want it to be. 

Here are a few quick steps to get started: 

  1. Identify the appropriate stakeholders to participate in developing your brand guidelines.
  2. Work collaboratively to define and commit to guidelines. 
  3. Bring the brand to life through your marketing communications. 

After we did this, we were able to turn around a B2B SaaS business that had been declining in growth for 3 years straight. We doubled our monthly trial starts within 14 months. We improved trial to paid conversion rates from an average of 7% to 12%, which radically improved our ability to acquire users through paid channels.

I hope you can make the content of this template something you adhere to as a business. You can either use this template as your framework or transfer it to a word doc or powerpoint for the more visual elements.

Click “Add to Cart” and checkout now to instantly copy the Google Sheet of the Brand Guidelines Template.

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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

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Nick C.
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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Michael P.
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Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

Growth Business Template Testimonial - Nick
Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

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Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales