
Sales Rep Performance Review Template for B2B SaaS

Use this quarterly performance review template to coach your sales reps to better results.

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Sales Rep Performance Review Template for B2B SaaS

Why use this template?

I highly recommend you use a sales rep performance review template for your team. It’s a simple tool that can have a major impact on sales results for your business. As VP of Sales at a B2B SaaS company doing $18 million in ARR, I was looking for a way to track and quantify my team's progress towards developing both hard and soft skills. This is the template I use for that.

What I found was that the top performing sales reps are constantly looking to get better. They’re highly competitive. They always want to win.  And you win by getting better every day. Feedback from you to your sales reps plays a critical role in this cycle of improvement. It's one of the highest leverage activities for you.

There are lots of free sales rep performance review templates out there. This template is different for a few reasons.

  1. It measures hard and soft skills, so that your reps improve their knowledge of your product and process, as well as their communication and interpersonal skills.
  2. It uses a simple grading system that salespeople can easily understand.
  3. It tracks performance on a quarterly basis, so you can compare improvements over time.

What's inside the template

This performance review template for sales reps is broken down into the following sections. Once you download the template, familiarize yourself with each of the following tabs:

  • Instructions: outline how to use the template most effectively.
  • Sales Rep Performance Review Template to fill in the details for your company.
  • Performance Review Template Example to show you what a completed review looks like.

If you really want to do a deep dive into how to give feedback as a manager, I recommend you read former President of Intel, Andy Grove’s book “High Output Management”. He provides an incredibly powerful framework used by high performing technology companies around the world.

How to use this template

When I first started as a manager, I didn’t do quarterly reviews. In fact, I didn’t even do annual reviews. As a VP of Sales now, I conduct in-depth annual reviews for each team member. Then every quarter, I provide a tactical scorecard review to measure how everyone on the team is progressing toward their goals.  

It took a few month for me to fully adapt to this framework. I recommend you download this template, personalize it based on the skills required for your product and then share it internally with your team to get buy-in before actually implementing this sales rep performance review template.

Go ahead and add the template to your cart to instantly receive a link to the Google Sheet for the Sales Rep Performance Review Template.

Then let me know if you have any feedback. You may also like these templates below:  

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Clark A.
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

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Nick C.
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

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Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales
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“These are GOLD! I was having to build all of this from scratch.”

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Nick C.
Director Sales
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“This is exactly what I was looking for. A repeatable playbook I could plug-n-play for our business.”

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Michael P.
Chief Executive Officer
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“I feel more confident hitting our revenue goals now than I ever have.”

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Jessica P.
Sr. Director of Demand Generation
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“My job just became so much easier! I’m all about working smarter, not harder.”

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Clark A.
VP of Sales